Professional Discovery

What are my best job matches?
CareerLeader - Built for business students only, assesses your skills, interests and values. Discover career options for business professionals based on your personal profile. 

Who am I professionally?
Keirsey Temperament Sorter (KTS) - Find out your basic personality tendencies and how they might impact your work and career. KTS also offers strength and weakness assessment. In addition, the University Career Center offers the Myers Briggs and Strong Interest Inventory assessment tools.

What are my best selling points?
Strengths Finder - Assesses your strengths and offers many descriptors for use in networking, resumes, interviews, online. 

How am I perceived professionally?
360 Feedback - Imagine if you knew how you were perceived professionally. You can! This assessment allows for candid anonymous rating by your peers, supervisors, co-workers and clients.  It is a dynamic way to compare your perception of yourself and others’ perceptions of you for a gap analysis.

How do I handle myself and others?
Emotional Intelligence - Assesses your current abilities for managing your emotions, others’ emotions, self-awareness, and other awareness.

For information on the above programs and services, schedule an appointment online.  

What is important to me?
Life Values Inventory - A thorough assessment of your values that will enrich decision making and important conversations. 

What careers are out there?
ONET - A career exploration and job analysis tool that includes detailed descriptions of the world of work for use by job seekers.  This tool includes salary data and job forecasting information.